Monday 28 October 2013

NEWS: Battlefield 4 - PC Pre-Loads Available This Week

PC gamers will have the chance to pre-load Battlefield this week, "at least 24 hours before launch".

EA are offering PC users who pre-ordered the game to pre-load Battlefield 4 a day before the game is released - the official Battlefield twitter said:

"Now accepting #BF4 preloads in Europe! Pre-order #BF4 for PC on Origin and you can preload the game immediately."

Although the tweet specifies Europe, a list of other countries eligible can be found on the EA website - the territories involved include East and Central Asia, North and South America, Russia, Australia, European Union, New Zealand, India, United Kingdom, Ireland, Portugal, and Japan.

1 comment:

  1. Wah ini game yang saya cari-cari, kebanyakan download ditempat lain gak work nih, Salah satunya game Battlefield4 memang keren :) Kira2 gamenya ada Cheat nya juga gak yaw? hehe
    Makasih infonya :)
